But I digress.
If you know me, you probably would call me hippy or granola. If it is natural, I am all in.
I was introduced to Shaklee by a friend from Illinois who I knew a long time ago. She gave me a sample of this super sweet non-toxic cleaner called H2. And I tried it. It was rad (see blog post). So because it was so rad I started doing some research on the company. And boy, it was a life changer for this DE.
As I did the research, followed up by lots of questions to my friend I found out that things like allergies, asthma, infertiity, cancer and other various diseases have been linked to toxins in our environment. Simply changing the cleaners in your home can have a huge impact on not only your health but your families.
With my mom being a nurse I have always been big into prevention. I began realizing that traditional medicine (while it does have its place) only puts a band-aid on symptoms and does not treat the real reason why you have the symptoms you do. I was sick of taking my prescription meds for my migraines that made me feel like I wasn't myself and I constantly had the same question over and over: How can I feel healthy and continue to prevent illness in a safe and NATURAL way, especially for my daughter? Shaklee was my answer.
The reason why I do what I do: this cutie.
Working with Shaklee not only helps my own families health, but I get to continue to stay at home with my daughter Hayden. I love being a Domestic Engineer and I love working for Shaklee. With Shaklee, I get to do both because I can work wherever and whenever. I can work when she is in her johnny jump up playing, or at night when she falls asleep and I am in my comfy clothes! My team is an amazing support system of other moms including a nurse and nutritionist and we are all in constant communication while consulting with clients. I love how easy it has been to fit Shaklee into my daily schedule AND I get to provide for my families financial goals of the future. Most of all, I love being to help other families in their journey to health and wellness.
Interested in being a Domestic Engineer and working for Shaklee on the side? Email me schlipf@gmail.com.
Want to get it on these bodacious natural and safe products? Click on the Shop Shaklee link up top. For more info you can email me as well!